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NEW ORLEANS –  Are you ready to get rich?

Do you need to direction on how to invest?

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood wants to introduce you to the money man.

His name is Benjamin Levy.

Ben is fourteen.

He’s an ninth grader at Benjamin Franklin High School in New Orleans, Louisiana.

And Ben is one of “Wild Bill’s Amazing Kids” brought to you by the good folks at Keating Law Firm.

Ben Levy started studying the stock market about a year ago in school.

He started studying more.

And more.

And then he  started to invest.

Wild Bill asks Ben Levy, “are you a millionaire, a billionaire?”

Ben Levy says, “no, not yet, I wish.”

But it’s probably just a matter of time.

Ben is such a financial wiz kid when it comes to money matters, he gives advice to his school principal Pat Widhalm.

Ben gives advice to his social studies teacher Matt Muller.

Ben Levy gives advice to his dad, Greg Levy.

Greg Levy also happens to run the camera for his son Ben Levy while he does money advice segments for his YouTube Channel.

You can watch it, just click right here.

Back at school, Ben barely has time for lunch.

When Ben, a sophomore sits down in the lunch room with Zach Jordan, a senior, it’s all business.

It’s all money talk all the time as Ben checks the latest on the markets from his cell phone.

To  connect with Ben and find out how you can meet him for money advice. just go to his website.

And to do that, all you have to do is click right here.