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NEW ORLEANS — What happens when you combine old friends, a new business, and gnarly weather?  You get this week’s Gone Fishin’ with LBJ.

And this week’s guest on the boat is none other than Jason Ginty, longtime rock DJ, currently heard on Bayou 95.7.

Jason Ginty of Bayou 95.7 Classic Rock

Ginty’s an old radio friend of LBJ, and after years of talking about getting out on the water, they finally did it.

“You know the superstition, one of the superstitions about fishing I always heard was never bring a camera on a boat. We’re not gonna catch anything today, obviously,” said Ginty.

As it turns out, superstition wasn’t the only issue.  The other was the weather, and the boys had to make a few moves to stay dry. Not so bad for a pirate!

Jason Ginty (Pirates of the Quarter)

That’s right, Jason Ginty is also a pirate – kind of.  He started his own Vieux Carre tour company, called Pirates of the Quarter.  It’s a project born of his love for corsairs and their connection to our city’s history.

Jason Ginty of Bayou 95.7 and Pirates of the Quarter (LeBron Joseph)

Pirates of the Quarter actually started out years ago as just a kinda goofy idea of, hey wouldn’t it be fun to get dressed up one night and go in the French Quarter on a non-holiday, non-Mardi Gras or non-Halloween and cruise the Quarter?” Ginty told us. “And I thought, you know what would be cool is to take a pirate tour in the French Quarter and really learn some stuff. Well, I found out there’s no one doing pirate tours, so I took A and B and put them all together and and next thing you know I’m walking around the Quarter giving these great tours.”

The rain was heading in and the boys had to make it back in, but according to Ginty, they were just fine with a pirate on board.

To book a tour with Pirates of the Quarter, click here