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NEW ORLEANS –  It takes a lot of talent to get on the radio and have the whole world listen to your beat.

It takes talent and it takes time.

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood has the story of the brass band from Dolores T. Aaron Academy.

These kids were playing on trash cans a few years ago.  They had no instruments. They had no music. But that had talent.  And they had hope.

And they had their band director Andy Bower.

He’s a band director with gratitude.

Andy says, “I know when i was a student, music was where I found myself. I tried sports. I tried this. I tried that. I tried everything. As soon as I started playing music, it just felt right.”

And that’s the way the brass band he directs sounds now.  Just right.

The band got the chance to go on the radio. It’s WWOZ.  The show is called “Cuttin’ Class.”  And that’s what the kids to do be able to play live on the radio show for the world to listen.

They cut class and get on the radio. And they get a pay check. Band Director Andy Bower accepted and gave a big thank you to WWOZ.

WWOZ gave Dolores T. Aaron Academy’s brass band a check for $1,000.

The school will invest the money right back into the band program. More music, more instruments, more opportunity for the kids who started with nothing and now have something for the planet to hear.