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NEW ORLEANS — We’ve all heard about the paring of certain dishes with the wines or cocktails that complement them.  Red meat, red wine; seafood, white wine is perhaps the first thing we’re all told.  It’s Pairing 101.

But when you bring in some experts, things quickly get more interesting.  And that’s exactly what’s happening at this year’s Tales of the Cocktail.

This is the 15th year for the event which is expected to attract around 20,000 people.  But if you weren’t in the crowd to learn a little about pairings, don’t worry because we’ve got you covered.

Two of the experts at this year’s TOTC stopped by the bar at News With a Twist to show us some of the finer points of pairing food and cocktails.

David Rosengarten is a chef, author, and tv show host.  Miriam Hendrickx is the master distiller for Rutte gin.  With a little input from both, we had a nice happy hour going on the Twist set.

Check out the interview above to find out more about how Miriam Hendrickx’s Rutte gin cocktails compliment seafood dishes from David Rosengarten.