Fly me to the moon! Busboy steps on stage and suddenly sings like Frank Sinatra

MADISONVILLE, La. —  At Morton’s in Madisonville, Louisiana, of course, Louisiana seafood is on every menu.

It’s what everybody expects. It’s what just about everybody orders.

Nobody knows that better than the busboys who work at Morton’s.

One of them is 18-year-old Zach Walls.

He’s fast at his job.

He’s faster than a fried catfish platter.

Zach is quick.

And Zach is quiet.

As Wild Bill sits down at Morton’s for a snack and wishes he had another fork, Zach Walls steps in, without a word, but with a fork.

Wild Bill notices Zach Walls doesn’t have much to say. Nothing to say.  That’s until he hits the stage.

With his high school orchestra behind him,  Zach Walls stepped on stage and did something he had never done but always had in him.

Zach started singing.

And when he started to sing, Zach sounded like somebody everybody has heard.

Zach sounds like Frank Sinatra.

Zach doesn’t know where it comes from.

He does know he’ll never hit his high note being a busboy.

He’s got music on his resume.  He’s a musician who plays piano, trombone, trumpet and bass.

He was never a singer.

But when the spotlight hit him, he did it.

Zach says he did it to test his confidence and that’s when somehow, from somewhere, Sinatra came out from inside him.

Wild Bill wonders, “why Sinatra and not say, Snoop Dogg?”

Zach says he likes Snoop Dogg, but he likes Frank Sinatra more.

Zach Walls is about to fly you to the moon.

That’s right after he does the dishes.

Emmy nominated Wild Bill’s Amazing Kids is brought to you by your friends at the Keating Law Firm.