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NEW ORLEANS – Fat Tuesday is here and gone, and Carnival season has given way to Lent.

This creates the perfect opportunity for Devour Power to make the rounds and show off our great Louisiana seafood at various hot spots around the area.

Our first stop is a seafood market/poboy shop in Mid-City named Bevi’s. The fine folks at Bevi’s have really created a one-stop shop for all things seafood.

You can swing by to purchase live crawfish and fresh seafood to prepare yourself. If you don’t want to fool around with the cooking and are just craving great boiled or fried seafood, the folks at Bevi’s can do that too. If you’re just craving New Orleans’ favorite sandwich (the poboy) you can find a great selection of poboys there as well.

Speaking of poboys, that is the first thing we tried at Bevi’s. While they serve several of the standard seafood poboys, we wanted to show off their Smokey Oyster Poboy.

This sandwich is a twist on the traditional fried oyster poboy. It is not necessarily a “Lent-friendly” poboy since it is served with bacon, but we tried it because it is an oyster poboy unlike any other in NOLA.

The sandwich consists of smokey-fried oysters, smoked Gouda cheese and pastrami bacon on seeded Leidenheimer french bread dressed with mayo, lettuce, tomato and pickles. This sandwich is absolutely awesome. The combination of the oysters, cheese and bacon create a symphony of smokey goodness. Combine them with the cool veggies and the mayo and you have a poboy that will stand up to any poboy out there. Wow!

Being a seafood market, we had to try some of Bevi’s boiled crawfish. I mean we are right in the heart of crawfish season. Justin and the gang brought us out a platter of crawfish piled high and ready to eat.

The crawfish were a very good size. I was surprised at just how uniform the crawfish were. Normally you get a mix of sizes. This platter was filled with medium-large to large mudbugs.

There were only a few small ones on the platter. They had a great flavor. They were easy to peel and the tails were plump and flavorful.

The flavor was great. It was also quite distinctive.

Justin tells us that is because he boils the crawfish in smaller batches with hand mixed seasonings and fixings to ensure a controlled flavor. The aim is to get that backyard boil flavor and consistency. The process works, believe me. So if you are hankering for seafood, get on over to the corner of Carrollton and Bienville to Bevi’s for seafood nearly any way you would want it.