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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – The plates are heavy.  The service is hearty.

This is a New Orleans restaurant, but WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood can’t find anybody from New Orleans who’s eating here.

Waitress Sarah Johnson asks a table of her customers where they’re from.

“New York City, ” they say.

Wild Bill asks Sarah to ask another man where he’s from.  He says he’s from Cambridge, Nebraska.

They’re all here because they have to be here.  This is the New Orleans airport, Louis Armstrong International Airport, in fact.

It’s just been named one of the best airports in America for food.  And the reason is because of Dooky Chase’s.  It’s the airport location of New Orleans’ legendary restaurant.

The stand out star on the menu is fried chicken.

The secret ingredient is love.

That’s what makes it worth waiting for, according to the kitchen crew.

And the wait is exactly fifteen minutes.  That’s how long it takes the chicken to fry in a sizzling jacuzzi.

The chicken is even on a timer.