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HAMMOND, La – When he welcomes you to the Louisiana Renaissance Festival, Paolo Garbanzo is actually acting.

He’s acting the fool.  That’s right.

And he’s acting the fool officially.

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood is a little jealous of this guy.  Wild Bill considers himself a fool.

He is America’s one and only officially named fool. It happened in June 2007 when he won the International Jester Competition in Muncaster Castle.  That’s in England.

Paolo is an official Fool of Muncaster. And that makes him the only American to ever be named a jester of a castle in England.

Paolo tells WIld Bill, the contest is kind of like Miss America, but for jesters.

Wild Bill has to ask Paolo, “like Miss America, how did you do in the swimsuit part of the contest?”

Paolo says, “in the swimsuit part, I nailed it!”

His body of work, what he does to maintain his status in the silly club, Paolo’s job, as a jester, is to juggle.  He juggles his job from one frivolous situation to the next.

Wild Bill has another question for America’s one and only, officially foolish guy, “what happens if you actually do something sensible? Do you give up your title?”

Paolo says he may lose a few points, but  that’s if he does something sensible and he doesn’t plan to do anything sensible any time soon.

He’s got the title.

He’s got the license to be a blockhead.

As America’s nincompoop, he’s nobody’s fool

Paolo Garbanzo loves the life he lives.

It’s also the live he loves.

And that’s, no fooling.

You’ll see Paolo Garbanzo appearing at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival..

For tickets and everything you need to know, all you have to do is click right here, please.