“You’re the true New Orleans Saints!” Josh Duhamel visits Children’s Hospital ahead of Bacchus reign

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — Hail Bacchus! Actor Josh Duhamel began his reign at Children’s Hospital New Orleans on Friday, just ahead of the parade’s roll this weekend.

Duhamel told WGNO it’s an overwhelming feeling of being the Bacchus in The Big Easy.

“I was like, how did I end up here? This is so cool. I have no idea what to expect, but it feels like it’s gonna be something like I’m never going to forget,” Duhamel explained. “To come here to see all the kids and to see all of you who work here at the hospital and help these children, you’re all Saints! New Orleans Saints, the true New Orleans Saints!”

Krewe of Bacchus rolls Sunday, February 27 at 5:15 p.m.