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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — Stacked on shelves.

Anticipating the moment.

You’re about to get a sneak peek at 8 million pounds of Mardi Gras magic.


And all sorts of stuffed, stuff.

It’s the stuff that’s about to get thrown from floats that let the good times roll through the streets of New Orleans during Carnival Season.

WGNO Good Morning New Orleans features reporter Bill Wood wants you to meet the man in charge of the bead business.

He’s Paul Myers.

He calls his collection, his store, Beads by the Dozen.

More like beads by the billions.

The truth is, most of this will wind up, looking like a mess.

Mardi Gras garbage.

Scattered and left on the streets and swept away by the city.

Yesterday’s trash.

But today, it’s still tomorrow’s treasure.