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Bobby is a graduate of six week training program through Doggone Express, where he lived with his trainers 24/7.  During that time, Bobby was crate trained, leash trained and taught basic obedience.  Bobby graduated with the following skills: sit, wait (stay), home (crate), come, down, place, leave it, and loose leash walking.  Bobby is at the shelter and ready for adoption.

Bobby has been a favorite of one of our volunteer photographers and an Animal Care Attendant from the moment they met him!  He was brought to the shelter back in January when he was found roaming around a neighborhood.  We estimate Bobby to be 3-4 years old and he weighs around 65 pounds.

Bobby is a super fun dog and is what they would call a “buddy” dog.  He loves to run and play but also to just hang out with you.  He is also very tolerant of touch by people, he can be grabbed, hugged and pulled on without negative responses.  Any time you move away from Bobby’s general area, he makes his way over to be closer to you.

Bobby is very smart and has a tendency to get a little rambunctious so he will need an owner that is able to correct his behavior with strong verbal cues.  Bobby is also good with most dogs but isn’t necessarily compatible with other energetic dogs.  It is best to bring your dog by the shelter for a meet and greet.

Bobby is overall a really good boy that has been overlooked and his behavior misunderstood.  He can a little rough around the edges but with proper continued training he will make one amazing pet.

The person who originally found him told us he was good with children, very playful, came when called, and seemed fine around the neighbor’s dog.  Bobby is crate trained and still demonstrates some puppy behaviors, so it is best to crate him when he is unsupervised.

We would love to see Bobby get his forever home but he could definitely use a foster home as he’s been in and out of the shelter for the past six months.

The Doggone Express adoption fee is $150.  Fee includes at least one round of vaccinations, mandatory spay/neuter surgery, heartworm test, and microchip.

To find if this dog is still available for adoption, please stop by the shelter.  Please provide the ID number (EO-01-30-05) at that time.

Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter – Eastbank
1 Humane Way, Harahan, LA 70123
Phone: 504-239-0398
Email: to adopt
Email: to foster

Click here for more information about Bobby.

Click here for more information about the Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter.