NOLA Flavor with Jen Smiley and her BBQ Shrimp & Grits and Clean Mojito Mocktail

Jen Smiley, expert food coach and creator of Wake Up and Read The Labels, sheds light on the food products that are made with real ingredients – without preservatives and inflammatory flours, oils, and sweeteners.

Jen helps make food simple so that you can feel your best.  With her expertise, she is able to help you eat all of the food groups and feel your best.

Jen wants to give viewers a free guide that shows the 3 common morning foods that are killing your energy and help you find cleaner brands so that you can have a better day.  Download the guide here:  FreeMorningGuide.com

Wake Up and Read The Labels has group and private coaching educational programs that offer text support while you are grocery shopping or out to eat plus weekly calls, meal plans, and a product recommendation sheet with all of the clean brands.  Over time, clients convert their kitchen and pantries to all clean foods.

With so much success of clients from losing weight, lowering blood pressure / cholesterol and diabetes medication, fertility success, skin conditions improvements, depression recovery, asthma mended and MORE… she created an online self-study course with 50+ videos and tutorials on how you can eat clean and feel your best self.

Real Food works for everyone! Wake Up and Read The Labels helps you understand how to overcome the food industry and not be so confused over the amount of choices in the grocery aisle. You can be a label reader with a little bit of education and then feel amazing.

BBQ Shrimp & Grits

Serves 4


BBQ Shrimp:



BBQ Shrimp:


Clean Mojito Mocktail

Serves 1

