Get the Skinny: Sneaky + Not-So-Sneaky Sugar Shockers + Alternatives

February is Heart Month, which means we’re talking about… sugar?  Absolutely. Even though sodium and saturated fat may be the first to come to mind when you hear “heart health,” more and more science confirms that added sugar is toxic not just for our whole-body health.  Today we’re Getting the Skinny with Molly on added sugar, including how much is too much, sneaky sources, and better alternatives.


Why it’s critical to limit added sugar:


How much is too much: American Heart Association recommends limiting added sugar to not more than 25 grams/day for women, and not more than 37 grams for men.


6 Sneaky + Not-So-Sneaky Sugar Shockers + Alternatives

The Obvious:



The Not-So-Obvious:








Want more from Molly?  Click here to sign up for Nutrition Bites, her weekly e-newsletter with links to her Get the Skinny TV segments here on WGNO, and her weekly column in NOLA.com|The Times-Picayune!   And you can follow Molly on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram:  @MollyKimballRD