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2018 is just days away, and with the New Year comes resolutions for new habits. Over the next three weeks, Registered Dietitian Molly Kimball will cover three popular approaches, including working with a registered dietitian for a one-on-one approach, as well as the Keto and Whole30 Diets.

My recommendation is to keep it simple, streamlined, and wholesome. Less about strict rules with lists of do’s and don’t’s, and more about the key fundamentals:

  • Limit added sugars and white carbs.
  • Emphasize lean proteins.
  • Incorporate tons of vegetables, some fruits (mostly berries).
  • Plant based fats when possible.
  • Find what works for your lifestyle, taste, budget and schedule.

Registered Dietitian Individualized Plan

As a registered dietitian, it’s no surprise that my top recommendation for sustained, lasting improvements to health and wellness is to work one-on-one with a registered dietitian who can tailor a nutrition plan to suit your needs.


Of course I’m partial to our RDs at Ochsner Fitness Center – especially Alexis Weilbaecher’s intensive 12-week Nutrition Protocol.  Contact Alexis at or 504.736.4755, or find a full list of registered dietitians in your area on or



Measure Metabolism with REE | resting energy expenditure

Simply put, this is a breathing test that measures O2 in and CO2 out, calculating metabolic rate to determine how many calories you burn in a resting state. Provides a baseline calorie range, then the RD factors in calories burned for exercise + non-purposeful exercise & daily movement. Prices typically start around $50.



Measure Body Fat with BIA | Bioelectrical Impedance

Measures body composition, including body fat, lean mass (including muscle mass, skeletal mass and water). Many fitness centers use InBody bioelectrical impedance analysis to track body composition. While not as precise as dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, or  DEXA analysis, it is cost-effective and still shows the trend of body composition over time. Prices typically start around $15.


Keep a Food Log | online or pen & paper

Those who keep daily food logs lost twice as much weight as people who don’t, according to one study of nearly 1,700 people. And the National Weight Control Registry, which tracks more than 10,000 people who have lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for at least a year, says that food journaling is one of the most common behaviors among successful losers.


Journaling doesn’t have to be anything fancy — just a quick note of meals or snacks — but this increase in awareness of habits can translate to a change in behaviors, which is essential for losing weight and — more importantly — keeping it off.




Want more from Molly?  Click here to sign up for Nutrition Bites, her weekly e-newsletter with links to her Get the Skinny TV segments here on WGNO, and her weekly column in|The Times-Picayune!   And you can follow Molly on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram:  @MollyKimballRD