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Daylight Savings Time can throw off our sleep schedules for weeks – plus it’s getting dark before most of us even leave work behind for the day. Not only can sleep disturbances leave use feeling sluggish and rundown, it can also interfere with weight loss. Molly shares the latest on strategies and supplements that can help us achieve a better night’s rest.

How sleep deprivation interferes with weight:

  • We eat more when we don’t get enough sleep.
  • Even when we do cut back on calories, sleep deprivation can inhibit our ability to lose weight. 
  • If we’re sleep deprived, it’s easy to reach for extra carbs/calories for energy, when we just need more Z’s.

Lack of sleep is directly linked to weight gain, depression, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Learn more about the connection between sleep and wellness in Molly’s FUELED Wellness + Nutrition Podcast.


5 Game-Changing Strategies for Better Sleep:

  1. Set a schedule.  Aim to go to bed and wake up around the same time each day
  2. Unplug.  Minimize screen time before bed – the artificial light interferes with our body’s production of melatonin
  3. Reconsider that nightcap.  Alcohol may help you fall asleep, but it can interfere with quality of sleep
  4. Ease up on caffeine.  Limit your intake to < 300 mg daily (approx. 3 cups of coffee), and limit caffeine after lunchtime.
  5. Supplement wisely.  Taking multivitamins close to bedtime may make it harder to fall asleep.

5 Supplements for Better Sleep:

Melatonin – a hormone that tells your brain that it’s time for sleep, taking 3-10 mg at bedtime may to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and improve duration of sleep.

Magnesium – supplementing with 500 mg may help with falling asleep & staying asleep. Can be combined with other supplements.

Lavender – several studies suggest that lavender aromatherapy (via diffuser, diluted oils, bath oils, etc.) may improve relaxation and quality of sleep.

Passionflower – as supplement or tea – may improve symptoms of anxiety.  One cup of passionflower tea before bed has been shown to improve sleep quality.

Chamomile – typically consumed as a tea, chamomile is considered safe and may help with relaxation; more research needed to determine impact on sleep.

As always, check with your physician or pharmacist before beginning any new supplement regime.


Want more from Molly?  Click here to sign up for Eat Fit Wellness Bites weekly e-newsletter with links to her Get the Skinny TV segments here on WGNO and more!   Follow Molly on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram:  @MollyKimballRD – and check out her weekly podcast; just search ‘Molly Kimball’ on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app.