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We learn a lot about ourselves and others during times of crisis. We all deal with stress in very different ways, and it can be challenging when the people closest to us often handle things very differently than we do.

Some have a heightened reaction to stress, one that we may think is unnecessary. Others may seem too laid back about things; we think they need to ‘do’ more.

It’s important to remember that stress, and our reactions to stress, is all relative.

What one person finds mildly anxiety-provoking may be close to the breaking point for another.

Some people leap into action when faced with adversity, while others retreat into familiar surroundings.

Now more than ever, we need to remember to think outside of ourselves.  This is bigger than us.  Just because ‘we’ are okay doesn’t mean that our neighbor, coworker, friend or parent may be.

Reach out to those around us. Check in with how they are doing, both physically and emotionally. Ask them, and then listen. Really listen.

Be patient. Be loving. Be forgiving. With others, and ourselves.


Boost your own personal ‘Social Distancing” Toolkit:

  • Download the Eat Fit Smartphone app for healthy recipes, including zero-proof cocktails, mocktails and Eat Fit dishes, along with brand-specific shopping guides for nutritious food + drink to stock up on.
  • Visit for at-home workout videos that will continue to be added over the coming weeks and months.


Want more from Molly?  Click here to sign up for Nutrition Bites, the Eat Fit weekly e-newsletter with links to her FUELED TV segments here on WGNO, and her articles in and Thrive Global!   Follow Molly on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram:  @MollyKimballRD – and check out her weekly podcast, FUELED Wellness + Nutrition with Molly; just search ‘Molly Kimball’ on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app.