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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — The annual Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (FNCE), hosted by the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics brings together the best and brightest nutrition and wellness minds for seminars, product expo and hands-on learning events.

At this year’s conference, one of the trends I noted was an increase in testers and trackers to help educate and empower.  The more insight we have into our own metrics and data, the more we can hone in on what really matters to  change to support sustained behavior change.

Here are three trackers and testers that caught my eye:

EZ Gluten®Test Kit by ELISA Technologies | $116 for 10-test pack ($63 for 5-pack)

  • Detects gluten in foods, beverages, or surfaces within 15-20 minutes. 
  • Sensitive enough to detect levels of gluten as low as 10 ppm (twice as sensitive as the 20 ppm limit set by the FDA for a “gluten-free” claim)
  • Portable for on-the-go testing at restaurants or while traveling; provides peace of mind

Omega-3 Index Plus by OmegaQuant | $79.95

  • With a simple finger stick, Omega-3 Index Plus test measures fatty acid levels in the blood and reports omega-3, omega-6 and trans fat blood levels.
  • OmegaQuant is independent, CLIA-certified lab that offers Omega-3 Index; also vitamin D, prenatal DHA and mother’s milk DHA testing to researchers, clinicians and the public.

Gx Sweat Patch by Gatorade| $24.99 for two-pack

  • Applied to forearm during a workout; the patch collects sweat and then app provides a readout of our sweat rate (ounces of sweat lost per hour), total fluid loss and sodium concentration (low, moderate or high).
  • Provides athletes with insight about how to hydrate optimally, including whether to reach for a high-electrolyte fluid replacer with a greater concentration of sodium.
  • More sophisticated sweat loss measuring devices are available in a lab setting – but also typically more expensive and harder for consumers to access.

FUELED Wellness + Nutrition is powered by Smoothie King. Learn about Eat Fit at Smoothie King; click here for the full list of Eat Fit options available at Smoothie King, proud sponsor of FUELED Wellness + Nutrition with Molly on WGNO. 


Molly Kimball, RD, CSSD is a registered dietitian + nutrition journalist in New Orleans, and founder of Ochsner Eat Fit nonprofit restaurant initiative. Tune in to her podcast, FUELED | Wellness + Nutrition and follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at @MollyKimballRD. See more of Molly’s articles + TV segments at, and sign up for Eat Fit Wellness Bites weekly newsletter, here.