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NEW ORLEANS – Tulane University welcomed students back to campus about four weeks ago where they began strictly testing for COVID-19 on a weekly basis. Since the end of July, over 150 students tested positive for the virus causing hundreds more to quarantine.

“In my opinion, I’m not really too troubled by it or nervous,” Tulane student, Imani Evans told WGNO on Wednesday. “As long as they’re being transparent and using the resources to test students and faculty and staff as often as possible.” 

Tulane administrators say they’re doing just that. We’re told, more than 19,000 tests have been completed since July 27th, 2020. The university released a statement on Wednesday saying, “The vast majority of positive cases are asymptomatic so they would not have been found without our aggressive screening. Results like this are not unexpected given the scope of our tracing program.”
While some students say they aren’t concerned about the rise in positive COVID-19 cases on campus, other students tell us, they have their reserves.  

“It’s the spreading rate, you know what I mean? Like, it can go from one person to the next, to the next and then up to a family member or a grandparent that you care about dearly,” Tulane student, Blade Crabtree shared. “This is an international school! People are from everywhere. So, one kid from New York who talks to you could spread it to your mom in Illinois!”

As the city and campus continue to adjust during these uncertain fluid times, Evans is still optimistic normality will come.

 “I’m just hoping it happens as fast as it can but obviously, when it’s the right time,” said Evans.