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NEW ORLEANS — Mayor LaToya Cantrell today offered condolences to the family, friends and audiences of the many artists and performers who passed away in April. These tragic losses come just a few short months after the city lost two acting legends in Sherri Marina and Carol Sutton.

April was particularly painful, including the loss of visual artist/poet Herbert Kearney, artist/musician Clyde Casey as well as theater mainstays Mark Burton and Michael Martin.

Pictured, clockwise from top left: Herbert Kearney, Clyde Casey, Mark Burton, Michael Martin. Photos of Kearney, Casey and Martin courtesy Louis Maistros. Photo courtesy City of New Orleans

“Our hearts are heavy this month as we learn of the passing of so many of our creative community’s brightest lights, and some of the most iconoclastic,” said Mayor Cantrell. “We will miss all of these talented artists, but we know the creative community will remember and carry on the legacy they leave behind.

“Here’s to them and all of the others who have given their heart and soul to creativity in the city.”