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NEW OREANS – Our health heroes are doing their best to keep their communities safe! Frontline workers have been giving it their all, especially since this pandemic began almost two months ago.

Frontline workers are doing what they can to keep the community safe although it means altering their personal lives. 

“Now working in the ICU still, I have exposure and risk to bring it home in general” Pulmonary Critical Care Specialist, Joshua Denson told WGNO this morning.

To keep his wife and two small children safe, Dr. Denson has to take extra precautions. “I have a special set of shoes and I wear scrubs often to work and change in and out at work. I sleep in a different room and I have been for the past month and a half.”

Dealing with the anxiety hasn’t always been easy. Dean of Tulane School of Social Work, Patrick Bordnick shed some words of advice.

“Just finding a nature trail where you can walk with your family and properly social distance. Listening to your favorite music! Doing a puzzle, coloring.”

Doctor Bordnick also recommends frontline workers to visit the Tulane School of Social Work website to access tips and resources.

Staying in tune with his family is a huge self care tool for Joshua Denson. “There’s a lot of things, I think that are happening at home which are a bit of a silver lining.”

hatever it takes to ease the stress of our heroes. 

“How can you not be thankful for individuals that are so selfless and caring for our community and making us all safe” Bordnick told us. “Whether they’re doctors, nurses or social workers. They’re here for us and we need to be here for them.”

For more information about self care, visit