Bogalusa City leaders address the public after a shooting injured 13 people

NEW ORLEANS – The city of Bogalusa is still trying to recover after a shooting injured at least 13 people on Saturday night. 

“At this time, there is an ongoing investigation regarding the shooting that occurred Saturday night” The mayor of Bogalusa said during Monday’s press conference. 

13 people were shot and at least two are in critical condition after an unidentified person or persons opened fire during memorial for Dominique James who was found dead last Friday. Safety leaders believe there is more than one suspect. 

“We’ve recovered over 50 shell casings of various calibers” Major for Bogalusa Police Department, Wendell O’Berry said. “Therefore, it is believed that multiple shooters we’re involved in this incident.”

More than 500 people were gathered at Dominique James’ memorial. An event that city leaders say they cold not have granted permission for because of large gathering restrictions.

“If anybody told you that a permit was issued, they lied to you! Under no circumstances, with the COVID-19 pandemic going on would we have even considered a permit!”

ajor O’Berry says the Bogalusa Police Department is understaffed. There are only 28 sworn in active police officers which is one reason why the crime in the city is rising. Now, the mayor has reached out to other branches to help keep the community safe. 

“The parish, the state and federal government.”

While the suspects are still at large, residents are urged to come forward with any information. 
“Satan has taken over in Bogalusa and it’s time we take it back! The only way that we’re going to turn this city around is to tell who did this!” Washington Parish Sheriff, Randy Seal said. 

“We have to partner together with our community. We’re on your side. We’re here to make you safe but we need you assistance” O’Berry shared.

If you have tips or information about either case, call The Bogalusa Police Department at (985) 732-3611.