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OPELOUSAS, La. (KLFY) – The family of a missing Opelousas man is crying out for answers. His sister says she believes he’s dead. Not only that, she believes his disappearance was no accident.

On October 4, 2021, 36-year-old Wilfred Kinnerson III texted his daughter that he was heading back home to Opelousas from Bastrop, Louisiana, however, he never made it. Four days later, his most prized possession, his car, was found in Opelousas. Still, he was nowhere to be found. For five months now, no one has seen or heard from him.

His family says many people say Kinnerson is incarcerated, though jail records show he has not been arrested nor is he in jail. “I strongly believe my brother is dead. I can feel it in my heart,” Kinnerson’s sister said.

His sister, who’s chosen to stay anonymous for her safety, held a vigil for her brother a month after he went missing, hoping someone would call with tips about her brother. As more time went on and she got calls from anonymous people claiming to know details about what happened to him, she gave up hope.

“I believe he was murdered. We were raised in the same household as children and grew up together. I know the love, and I can’t feel it anymore. That’s what makes me believe he’s dead. It’s sad, but it’s true. It’s how I feel. I’m just going to go with my heart on it,” she added.

In addition to calls from anonymous sources, she says details police have shared with her have led her to believe her brother was killed. “I’m not going to stop until an arrest is made. I’m not. You just can’t go around killing someone and thinking you’re going to get away with it. You may have gotten away with it many other times, but this time it’s not going to happen at all. So get ready for it because it’s coming,” Kinnerson’s sister said.

Friday marks five months since her brother’s disappearance. Now she says what she’s searching for isn’t her brother. It’s justice. “He’s been dragged down enough as it is. We need to put him to rest and get closure for our family,” she told News Ten.

“It’s time for this to be over. It’s going to be five months on March 4th. It’s time for us to get some answers, some closure, and an arrest to be made as soon as possible because this is very hurtful for our family.”

News Ten did contact the law enforcement agencies investigating Kinnerson’s disappearance. All they can say right now, due to this being an ongoing investigation, is that he’s still missing. His family is also hoping to raise money for his funeral when they can confirm his death.

You can donate on the family’s GoFundMe page.