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METAIRIE, La. (WGNO)— A lot of Jefferson Parish parents had to scramble to get their kids to school, that’s because 49 bus drivers called out sick, up from an average of just 13 last week.

Frustration and uncertainty describe what many parents feel day-to-day wondering how their kids will get to and from school.

“Some days we are waiting here for 30 seconds and the bus shows up and sometimes we are waiting here for half an hour and it doesn’t show up,” Heather Bardi, a parent said.

Bardi’s frustrated that she never really knows if the school bus will come to pick up her 1st Grade son, Eli to take him to Marie Rivere Elementary School.

“It is not fair to the kids to not do their job,” she said.

For weeks now Heather says sometimes the bus arrives for pick-up and other days it doesn’t.

“Just not being able to plan the day or have a routine to stick to and kids need that,” she said.

Last night the Jefferson Parish School District sent a message to parents notifying them of a “sickout” today in which 49 bus drivers called out, up from 13 last week. If the bus wouldn’t arrive parents would get a robo-call.

“I think the communication is in the toilet,” Bardi said.

In a statement from Jefferson Parish Schools…

“Safe, reliable transportation is one of the main operational functions of a public school system. Over 30,000 families rely on us for transportation every day. Anything short of a full fleet on the road is unacceptable for us. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause families and we thank you for your flexibility and understanding.”

Parents like Heather understand that the bus drivers may need more pay, but this isn’t the way.

“You are kind of leaving parents high and dry and kids that depend on you to get to school, can’t. It feels like it is never ending,” Bardi said.

Jefferson Parish Schools says at this time they have not received official notice from any representative as to why the bus drivers held today’s “sickout.”

We reached out to the bus drivers for a comment, but have not heard back yet.

The School System told parents that absences today due to the “sickout” would be excused.