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Temperatures are starting chilly Tuesday morning. We have low 30s north with mid to upper 30s south. Clear skies and calm winds will give you a frosty start to the day in many spots.

A nice afternoon is on the way though as we get back into the low to mid 60s through the day. Look for just a few areas of clouds through the afternoon. Overall it will be a nice day. Temperatures will continue to warm up on Wednesday ahead of the cold front. Look for mid 70s with more more clouds.

After that things go downhill for the second half of the week. We will see rain moving in overnight Wednesday into Thursday morning. With that rain will be a cold front that brings falling temperatures to the area through the day Thursday.

Rain chances will continue on Friday as another system moves through. The big question is will we see any wintry precipitation. Right now it is very fringe for areas north of I-10. It’s possible the cold air moves in quick enough to see a little bit of sleet or freezing rain on the northern edge of the precip, but that chance looks small overall. However it is worth following as details continue to get worked out with the forecast models.