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LAFAYETTE, La. (KLFY) — A recent social media trend among students on TikTok is pushing the envelope. It’s called ‘Devious Licks’. It challenges students to vandalize and steal from their school. Now, it encourages violence against teachers.

Lafayette Parish Schools superintendent Irma Trosclair released a statement to families in the district, condemning student involvement in the dangerous social media trend.

“What may have started as minor pranks, has now turned into costly repairs and replacements, restricted access to bathrooms, and other distractions,” said Trosclair.

Trosclair says the items stolen from school are difficult to replace, and the damage done is expensive.

Just recently, Southside High School sent a warning to parents about trend. Acadiana High School restricted restroom access, in part due to vandalism.

“We’ve had isolated incidents. Majority of them were soap dispensers broken and soap spread across the flood to make it slippery. We’ve had a couple of broken toilet seats,” said Vermilion Parish Schools Superintendent Tommy Byler.

‘Devious Licks’ is now encouraging students to escalate the danger, by hitting or slapping teachers.

“That would be very disturbing. You hope that it doesn’t get to our school system,” said Byler. “I don’t think there’s anything specific for a ‘Devious Licks’ punishment, but I think our handbook covers enough to take care of this.”