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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)— The sound of chainsaws is now the melody echoing through the streets of New Orleans.

For Caitlin Brown who lives on Baronne Street in Central City that sound is music to her ears.

“Ugh, what a mess. I don’t know how to get rid of this,” she said.

Because of Hurricane Ida, a giant tree fell blocking the entrance to her house, and knocking out the power.

“We haven’t been able to get in except through the back. Entergy told her in order to get the power back she had to remove the tree,” Brown said.

She went on to say, ” I don’t have tools. I don’t have a chainsaw, and like every tree company is busy.”

So she put her plea on social media and her neighbors from around the corner who she barely knew, stepped in with a chainsaw to help.

“If he wasn’t friends with him, who was friends with me, then I wouldn’t have had any help today. Here in New Orleans we are a little more connected, you know,” she said.

And now for Caitlin—the sound of a chainsaw is the soundtrack of recovery.

There are so many people in need of help right now, so if you’d like to volunteer in some way, you can sign up through Volunteer Louisiana, click HERE.

If you’d like to volunteer with NOLA Ready, click HERE.