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NEW ORLEANS — Voters in New Orleans will take a library renewal to the ballot in November following Thursday’s city council meeting.

The 4 mill tax renewal supports the operations at the New Orleans Public Library. If approved, the renewal would continue to allow the city to levy a special tax of up to four mills (4/10 of a cent) on all property for 20 years, collecting close to $17.5 million throughout its course.

“The voters have spoken: New Orleans needs a fully funded, fully-functional public library system,” explained Councilmember Joe Giarrusso. “Funding the libraries is one of the ways to help with public safety. This renewal shows the Council’s commitment to funding the library’s staffing, programming, and future maintenance.”

The renewal would continue the current levy that was approved by voters in 1986. It is set to expire at the end of 2021.

Check out the full details of the levy here.