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BATON ROUGE, La. (KTAL/KMSS) — A debate over the definition of “Domestic Abuse” erupted into a shouting match between two Louisiana lawmakers Wednesday morning.

During Wednesday’s legislature session, State Representatives Alan Seabaugh (R-LA) and Malinda White (D-LA) got into a disagreement about the proper wording of White’s domestic violence bill, which soon turned into a full-blown argument between the two lawmakers.

White had to be physically restrained and removed from the house floor temporarily. As she was being escorted out, White allegedly said that she going home to get her gun.

White, who says she is a domestic abuse survivor, claims Seabaugh accused her of not understanding her own bill.

“A man telling me I don’t know about domestic abuse and violence when I lived it,” said Rep. White.

“Nobody comes and tells a woman that or a man for that matter and that’s what he did.”

White has faced pushback from the National Rifle Association (NRA) on her domestic violence bill as well. But they withdrew their objection after an amendment was added. The session ends on Thursday at 6:00 p.m.