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NEW ORLEANS — Two years after the death of a black man who died in Louisiana State Police custody, The Associated Press has obtained body camera video from the troopers who were involved.

The video is difficult to watch.

The footage shows troopers tasing, punching and dragging Ronald Greene after he led police on a high speed chase near Monroe.

Civil rights leaders are calling the release of the video essential even though it is tough to watch.

In the video, Greene could be heard apologizing to troopers and saying he is scared. Greene pleaded with officers as they pulled him out of his car.

Troopers are then heard using profanity when they pin Greene on the ground before tasing him.

“The video is very important to analyze excessive force. To analyze protocol whether it was followed by police and whether or not aid was render when the person was in fact subdued and no longer a threat to himself or other people,” said Alanah Odoms, Executive Director of the ACLU of Louisiana.

Odoms believes the release of the body cam footage is crucial and will make the prosecution of this case more transparent.

The AP reports Greene was left unattended for nine minutes and he did not receive proper medical attention. The troopers are accused of beating him to death; although they initially claimed Greene died of injuries from crashing his car.

“You do not allow a judge to hear the facts of the case, you do not provide the person with the presumption of innocence that the law requires until they’re proven guilty. You disrespect the Constitution and you disrespect the laws of the land. If we’re concerned about law and order, let’s start there,” Odom said.

In a statement, a State Police spokesperson said, “The investigation into the death of Ronald Greene remains under review by federal and state authorities. The premature public release of investigative files and video evidence in this case is not authorized and was not obtained through official sources. LSP is confident in the judicial system and fair review of this incident and continues to offer our full cooperation. Unauthorized release of evidence undermines the investigative process and compromises the fair and impartial outcome for the Greene family, LSP employees, and the community.”

Odom said, “We’ve waited for them to do the right thing. We expected law enforcement to tell the truth because of their responsibility and duty and we didn’t get that.”

The ACLU is hopeful this case will prompt change at LSP and those involved will be held accountable.

“In the face of such disgusting maltreatment and a lack of humanity and dignity. If Ronald’s mother can still have faith that justice will be served in this case than I can too and the rest of the community can as well.”

This case is still under federal and sate investigation.

The body cam footage is just one camera angle of what happened. Meanwhile, an attorney for the Greene family said this case has similarities to the death of George Floyd.