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(KLFY) — The nonprofit blood service provider Vitalant is offering tokens of thanks to blood donors for the month of May.

Vitalant is urging all eligible donors to make an appointment to give blood, platelets, or plasma this month in support of mothers and all patients relying on lifesaving blood transfusions.

As tokens of thanks, the organization will offer everyone who donates from May 1 – May 25 a $5 Amazon gift card or Vitalant ball cap, redeemable May 26 – June 1 through email.

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cancel over 200 blood drives per week, but the need for blood has returned to pre-pandemic levels, Vitalant stated in a press release.

Vitalant says that there is an urgent need for donors to help new mothers experiencing childbirth complications, grandmothers battling cancer, sisters with chronic blood disorders, and other patients.

Those who receive a Food and Drug Administration authorized COVID-19 vaccine can give blood immediately if other eligibility requirements are met.  

“Trauma and accident victims, cancer patients and those now undergoing previously postponed surgeries may all need blood,” said Cliff Numark, chief of marketing and senior vice president of donor services with Vitalant.

“There is an increased need for blood donations as life begins to return to normal for some. Donors with all blood types are needed, especially type O—the most transfused blood type.”

How to Give:

To learn more and schedule an appointment to donate, please visit or call 877-25-VITAL (877-258-4825). Vitalant follows strict protocols to ensure the safety of donors, patients and staff, including social distancing, disinfecting public areas and requiring face masks.