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NEW ORLEANS — District D Councilman Jared Brossett and the City of New Orleans have reached an agreement. Brossett is to pay more than $45,000.00 in restitution to reimburse the city for a 2020 car accident that totaled the city-leased Chevrolet Tahoe assigned to him.

In a notarized “Promissory Note” document, Brossett agreed to pay $753.00 on the 15th of each month beginning this June until the full $45,175.000 is paid.

In this incident, Brossett was accused of drunk driving, but pleaded not guilty.

In the note, Brossett stated, “… I am solely responsible for repayment of this debt to the City.” 

Following the accident, Brossett issued a statement noting that he would take responsibility for his actions. To that end, Brossett completed an intensive six-week outpatient treatment program at Ochsner Hospital.

The councilman was admitted immediately following the accident last June to Ochsner’s Addictive Behavior Unit under the care of Dr. David Galarneau, who called Brossett “highly motivated” to be rehabilitated.

Brossett attended extensive testing, group therapy sessions, addiction education classes, and relapse prevention treatment.  Upon completing the six-week counseling session, Brossett continued to meet with Ochsner doctors and therapists weekly and has done so now for the past nine months.

Though it was not required, Brossett also completed 32 community service hours by volunteering to care for the hungry in the City’s Mass Feeding Program.  Brossett has completed all aspects of his diversion. 

Said Brossett, “I am overcoming the grip of addiction, but recovery is something that I work hard at every day.  I am an imperfect man.  Taking responsibility is a critical step to recovery. I have asked my colleagues and those who I represent to let me earn my second chance.  That is why I remain in counseling.  That is why I remain committed to paying the city back in full.  I want to do what is right.  I want to take responsibility for my actions, especially since I am in a position of public trust.  We can rise when we fall.  I live to prove that each day.”