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METAIRIE, La. – We’re learning more about Jefferson Parish’s aging drainage system.

With severe weather a concern this weekend, residents in Metairie raised concerns during a civic association meeting.

Councilman-at-Large Scott Walker said, “It’s an old drainage system, but it’s still good and it still drains.”

While some areas do see street flooding, Walker said the good news is water typically isn’t getting into homes.

Walker said, “All of our pumps are functional and are crews are ready for anything that comes. They’re always prepared, they’re always on standby and they’re ready for when events present themselves.”

In Jefferson Parish, there is 1700 miles of underground infrastructure.

Over the last few weeks, there have been broken pipes and we’ve seen some of the challenges the Parish faces. Recently, voters renewed a millage which brings in more than $11 million to upgrade water and sewerage infrastructure.

“We’re in a Band-Aid mode right now and that’s why this millage renewal was so important.”

Walker believes JP is doing what it can to be proactive.

Lift stations and pumping stations have been replaced, but there is still work to be done. Walker said considering the odds they’re up against, the system as a whole is in a good spot.

“Jefferson Parish can handle whatever severe weather throws at us this weekend, whatever hurricane season throws at us this summer and whatever comes after that.”