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NEW ORLEANS — Entergy’s Louisiana customers are again asked to voluntarily reduce their electricity usage.

This unusual request is due to the demand for electricity potentially exceeding the available generation due to the extreme cold and weather conditions currently impacting our service territory.

Current load forecasts are approaching an all-time peak, even greater than those experienced during the polar vortex of January 2019.

The company’s reliability coordinator, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, has made this request to Entergy and other utilities in its footprint, including other utilities in our area.

If the power supply cannot meet the demand, then periodic power outages would be needed to prevent an extensive power outage that could last an extended period.

The request for electric use reduction does not apply to elderly customers or those with special health concerns.

Entergy crews have taken proactive steps to mitigate the impact of the extreme cold to our system, including placing additional power generation into service and adding additional personnel to our crews to closely monitor our facilities.

Some immediate ways residential customers can reduce electricity usage include:

  • Lower the central thermostat to 68 degrees and adjust window units accordingly.
  • Use energy-efficient ceiling fans and portable fans to circulate air to help with your comfort.
  • Open blinds, drapes and curtains to let in warmth from the sun.
  • Delay laundry, washing dishes, bathing and other non-essential uses of electricity until this appeal for conservation has ended.
  • Wash clothes with cold water, cook foods at the lowest possible setting and refrain from opening the oven door while baking.
  • Don’t allow warmed air to escape from the home.

Entergy New Orleans, LLC is an electric and gas utility that serves Louisiana’s Orleans Parish. The company provides electricity to more than 200,000 customers and natural gas to more than 108,000 customers.

Entergy Louisiana, LLC provides electric service to more than 1 million customers and natural gas service to more than 93,000 customers in the greater Baton Rouge area. It has operations in southern, central and northern Louisiana. Both companies are subsidiaries of Entergy Corporation.