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Yes, we’re still in the midst of what has been the most unusual Carnival season in history. But we wanted to put this on your radar for next week: The 6th annual Ochsner Eat Fit #AlcoholFreeFor40 challenge starts Ash Wednesday, February 17th, complete with a step-by-step guide to make it your own personal self-experiment to see just how nixing alcohol for forty days affects our whole-body wellness.

THE CHALLENGE: Give up all alcohol from Ash Wednesday until Easter.  Establish the following pre-Challenge metrics and repeat again at end of Challenge.  Do this on your own or sign up here to do your pre-challenge metrics for $25 at the #AlcoholFreeFor40 kickoff event at Ochsner Fitness Center’s FUEL Café + Market on Thursday, March 7 (more details below).

THE SUPPORT:  Local restaurants will offer Zero-Proof Cocktails. #HappyHourWorkouts every Thursday 6p.  #MindfulMondays to start each week on the right foot.  Social support at Alcohol-Free For 40 Facebook Group.  Follow @EatFitNOLA on social to stay in the know.

BENEFITS:  Less inflammation, better sleep, reduced anxiety, improved mood & energy, healthier-looking skin, potential weight loss. Here’s a snapshot of the many benefits that this extended detox will have on your mind, body and spirit:  

  • Within days you’ll notice more energy, improved sleep, clearer eyes with less under-eye circles 
  • Within one week you’ll notice less fluid retention and can start to see brighter skin. You’ll also likely notice fewer cravings, mental clarity and an ability to focus.
  • Within a month you can start to see and feel the changes in weight, particularly if alcohol was contributing a significant bit of excess calories.  


  1. Weight + Body Composition
  2. Close-up photo of face; details of eyes and skin in particular
  3. Labs:
    • CBC (Complete Blood Count)
    • Liver panel including enzymes AST & ALT
    • Lipid Panel (includes triglycerides, which can be affected by alcohol)
    • GGT (a specific liver test that’s most affected by alcohol)
    • Vitamin B12 and Folate Panel
    • hs-CRP (marker of inflammation)
    • ESR (marker of inflammation)

KICK-OFF PRE-CHALLENGE METRICS: To make it as easy as possible, have your pre-and post-challenge labs and metrics completed for just $25 (a value of more than $400). Visit for Eventbrite link with details about scheduling labs, body composition, blood pressure and close-up photo of face, skin, eyes.

Join #AlcoholFreeFor40 group on Facebook and follow @EatFitNOLA to follow the journey of others, and share your own experiences, successes, mocktail recipes, and photos.


Want more from Molly?  Click here to sign up for Eat Fit Wellness Bites weekly e-newsletter with links to her Get the Skinny TV segments here on WGNO and more!   Follow Molly on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram:  @MollyKimballRD – and check out her weekly podcast; just search ‘Molly Kimball’ on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app.