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UTICA, N.Y. (WUTR-TV ) — One of the greatest concerns throughout the pandemic has been the effects of COVID-19 on other diseases. With heart disease being so common, there’s been a huge impact on patients with heart conditions. According to Yale Medicine, hospitals across the country have reported less heart related illnesses. Dr. Michael Kelberman, the Director of Clinical Cardiology at MVHS believes this is due to fears of contracting the virus.

“They were staying at home with their symptoms unsure of what they represented but too afraid to come to the hospital and get earlier treatment.” – Dr. Michael Kelberman, The Director of Clinical Cardiology, MVHS

When it comes to heart disease, Dr. Kelberman explains that early treatment is crucial.

“If you’re concerned about any symptoms, call your doctor or get to the emergency room. That’s where we can have the most impact.” – Dr. Michael Kelberman, The Director of Clinical Cardiology, MVHS

The CDC reports that individuals with heart disease are at risk for severe illnesses or death if they contract COVID. Dr. Kelberman is urging people with these conditions to get the vaccine.

“COVID-19 is a dangerous disease for people with heart disease. Even people who get COVID-19 and don’t have heart disease have developed some heart complications and the vaccine is the ticket to freedom.” – Dr. Michael Kelberman, The Director of Clinical Cardiology, MVHS

Patients with heart disease and other comorbidities are eligible to sign up for the vaccine on Monday the 15th.