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NEW ORLEANS  Over the weekend, the New Orleans Police Department has reported more than six violent crimes in the area. This includes armed robbery, an unclassified death, and at least two shootings. New Orleans resident, Korey Jones says the only way to fix the spike in violence is to be a part of the solution.

“I would encourage more New Orleanians to actually look into becoming NOPD officers,” Jones explained. “Not saying that the guys are doing a bad job. It’s just, they need help. Instead of us standing along on the sidelines – if we’re actually able to get out and help, I think we should.”

Megan Edwards, a mother, and another New Orleans resident says there should be more activities for the youth in the community to enjoy.

“For instance, Six Flags has been closed since Katrina. I think they should open that up again. And, honestly, I just feel like there should be activities going on,” said Edwards. “Just get the kids out and active. They’re sitting at home, on their video games, they’re meeting up with friends, getting into trouble. They’re just doing whatever because there’s no order!”

Although violent crime is at a steady uptick, Jones believes the trend can turn around in the right direction.

“I love being from New Orleans. I love New Orleans! We know that as of now, it’s not safe,” Jones told WGNO. “But one day, it could honestly be a place where we could raise our kids. We can get there as a community.”