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Fog will be likely again on Friday morning across much of southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi. A Dense Fog Advisory is in effect for the Florida parishes and Mississippi counties from 2 AM to 9 AM. Expect areas of very low visibility which could lead to dangerous driving conditions.

After that we will see another mild afternoon with low to mid 70s on Friday. The main difference from the past few days will be more cloud cover moving in by the afternoon and evening as the next front begins to approach from the west.

This leads to rain chances moving in early on Saturday. Right now it looks like most of the rain is east of the area by early to mid morning. So even though rain chances are high we are still going to be seeing a decent afternoon as things clear out.

Another disturbance moves through Sunday night so more rain spreads across the area Sunday afternoon and night.

Much colder weather will follow that system and afternoon highs will only be in the mid 50s on Monday. Most of next week looks to be on the cool side.

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