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ABBEVILLE, La. (KLFY) — The hallways and classrooms at Abbeville High School are empty and will be for the next two days.

That’s because the school is transitioning to distance learning after a large number of teachers are in quarantine after coming into contact with someone who tested positive for the coronavirus.

Principal Brett Darby said during the school shut-down, officials will determine what happens next, but he expects it to be this way throughout the remainder of the year.

“The rest of the year is really going to be determined by just the raw data of what the cases look like and moving forward what we need to do.”

Although students, parents and staff were told the school shut-down would last only two days, principal Darby said: “We’re possibly looking at going full virtual until the Christmas break because of the number of teachers we have quarantined.”

Although the decision to shutdown was last minute, Darby said school officials made the best decision.

“We always have our students’ best interest in mind and so all the decisions we make are based on that.”