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NEW ORLEANS– Illegal dumping is a problem in New Orleans, and for one property owner it has become a nightmare because 200 tires were illegally dumped on her property.

Connie Jacobs says that back in August, more than 200 tires were dumped on her property that she owns on the 3200 block of Montegut Street. She is currently renting out the home to tenants.

Jacobs says she called the City of New Orleans multiple times to come out and have the tires removed, but so far no one has come out to help. She recently took matters into her own hands and hired movers to move the tires from her property to the sidewalk next to her property. The sidewalk is owned by the city.

“I’m upset. It is hard for my tenants. They have to stay in the house, they have kids. One of them saw a snake coming out of the tires and the debris that’s been illegally dumped on my property. It’s hard to get rid of car tires. These companies have them dump them just anywhere and it is happening all over the city,” Jacobs said.

We contacted the city and they said that contract agreements with garbage truck companies limit the size and amount of what they can pick up, which is far less than 200 tires.