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DALLAS (NewsNation Now) — A Dallas man who says he had his voter identification stolen this year says he has voted in every election since Richard Nixon won in 1968, and each year he has waited to cast his ballot on Election Day. With such a hotly contested race in 2020, he wanted to make sure he got his vote in early. His message to everyone: he’s glad he did.

“The only thing that’s been stolen was our voter identity, and that is worth more than our financial identity actually!” said Dallas resident George Underwood.

Somewhere near Houston, an identity thief has been hard at work impersonating Underwood, who has visited the same polling location for almost five decades.

“I’ve lived on the same street in Dallas County for 46 years and in the same house for 37 years,” he said.

So when Underwood showed up last Friday for early voting, he was shocked when election officials couldn’t find his name or registration in the system.

“She said, ‘and I’m sorry to tell you cannot vote in Dallas County because someone using your driver’s license, your name and your driver’s license number has registered in Harris County and has already voted early,’” said Underwood.

But not only had someone fraudulently voted for Underwood, they had also voted in the primaries for his late wife Andrea who died unexpectedly six years ago.

“It breaks my heart for our country,” he said.

When it comes to widespread voter fraud, there are mixed messages regarding the severity of its threat. The President has been asking Americans to be vigilant at the polls — warning of a rigged election.  

“I’m urging my supporters to go into the polls and watch very carefully, because that’s what has to happen,” said President Trump during the first presidential debate against Biden this year. “I’m urging them to do it.”

Trump’s appointed election commission, however, finding no real evidence of the felony. 

FBI director Christopher Wray testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in September saying the FBI has “not seen, historically, any kind of coordinated national voter fraud effort in a major election, whether it’s by mail or otherwise.”

While there might not be evidence of coordinated efforts, one-off incidents like Underwood’s certainly do exist. Several hours, phone calls and meetings later, he got to cast his ballot. And his message to voters is this:

“To be sure and vote early, because if there’s a problem like I had—if I had waited until election day to vote in the afternoon, I would never have been able to track down all this information,” said Underwood.