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JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A Kentucky woman is sending out what she calls an “urgent plea” after a box containing her mother’s cremated remains vanished.

Amy Redford says she mailed the package to her sister in Florida on Sept. 9 through the U.S. Postal Service, the Florida Times-Union reported.

It was in a box with a bright red label reading, “CREMATED REMAINS.”

The package was delivered the next day to an apartment where her sister lived, but her sister had moved from the address, unbeknownst to Redford, she said.

Redford said the tenant realized the box wasn’t hers and put it outside her door for the carrier to take. Then it disappeared.

Redford said she hopes someone will see her story and help.

“Getting the word out as much as possible is my best strategy, so that’s sort of what I’ve been hoping for,” Redford told the newspaper. “Somebody might see something, somebody might know something.”