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BROCKPORT, N.Y. (WROC) – SUNY Brockport interim suspended its NCAA Division III men’s soccer program on Saturday pending the outcome of an investigation stemming from potential coronavirus policy violations. Six students will receive individual interim suspensions.

SUNY Brockport learned from Brockport Village Police of a gathering in the Village of Brockport that reportedly consisted of over 50 people not wearing masks or social distancing on Saturday evening. No citations were issued.

The men’s soccer team is to cease all team functions, including practices, workouts, team meetings, etc. The only exception to the interim suspension for the individual students as well as the entire men’s soccer team is the requirement for all to report to campus in order to take part in the college’s pool surveillance testing, the college said.

A statement from President Heidi Macpherson:

“I was extremely disappointed to learn of the activities that led to the interim suspension of the men’s soccer team. While the vast majority of our students are following the proper COVID-19 precautions, we cannot allow the health and safety of our community to be jeopardized by the inappropriate and potentially dangerous actions of a few individuals. If we want to complete the semester in a healthy environment, everyone must all follow the rules and guidelines created to protect us.”

A statement from Athletic Director Erick Hart:

“I am saddened that these students would make these choices to jeopardize the health and safety of the community, especially knowing how hard fellow student-athletes worked to protect the nest.”