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(ABC4 NEWS – Fairview, UT) The COVID-19 Pandemic is on the top of everyone’s mind. I’d like to give you peek back in time when our ancestors were dealing with “The Mother of All Pandemics.

I enjoy telling inspiring stories with Utah Success Stories. I also do an in-depth, online interview, called Jessop’s Journal.

Here’s a snippet of one of those stories about a person that served in world war one. Click here for the full-length story. We know a little bit about him because someone saved a letter.

There was a young man. About 26-27 years old. His name was Arthur Leroy Mower. A guy from a little town, called Fairview, Utah.

He was shipped out to Omaha, Nebraska. What is he doing there. He is being trained to be part of the balloon division. Not kidding. Hot air balloon division.

Well, he got sick. A lot of people got sick in Omaha actually.

One of the most powerful things is the letter that survived over 100 years from Arthur to his parents.

Florence Field, October 16th 1918. My dearest folks.

I am getting well of the Spanish Flu and almost well now. Had it for about three days but was quite sick one night. My fever went to one-hundred-and-five degrees. It’s might bad news. Ten to thirty people are dying ever day in Omaha and many are dying at the fort.  Two more men from the 46th died in the hospital night before last. Out of less than 150 men, 44 are in the hospital and 25 were quite sick in their tents.

Goodbye and God bless you. Your loving son, Arthur.

That was the last letter he sent his parents. He died seven days later of pneumonia, complications of the influenza.

The 1918 Influenza Pandemic is what they now call the Mother of all Pandemics.

Fifty Million people died. 

I strongly feel that “stories have power”. Chances are that if you are going through something, that someone else probably has as well. The shared experiences we humans have can help each other. That my friend makes the point that stories “help us understand each other.”

You don’t have to agree with everyone, but in my opinion, if people would take more time getting to knowing more about others and where they are coming from, we just might find out that we have more similarities than differences.

A big shout out goes to my collaborator, Ed Wilets, who does a great job as my videographer/editor for all my stories. I invite you to watch each episode of Jessop’s Journal at and share these stories with your friends and neighbors.  Your feedback is always welcome.

Other episodes of Jessop’s Journal can be seen at and are made possible by the generous support of Rustico, Tailor Cooperative, JW Custom Hats, Ogden’s Own Distillery, and LiquiDirt Organics.

You can also see my positive business profiles called “Utah Success Stories” every Sunday in the ABC4 News at 10 p.m. or online at

As a sidebar, I’m also a #gardentvguy that designed and planted the ABC4 Backyard. As a self-confessed #gardengeek, you can see my #dougsdailyplantpics, as well as sneak peeks on stories I’m working on by checking out my website and following me on social media: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Stories have power. They help us understand each other. With another entry into Jessop’s Journal, I’m Doug Jessop, ABC4 News.