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EAST LANSING, MICH (WLNS)— Inside sources tell 6 News that MSU will play football this season, with games anticipated to start around October 17th.

This is subject to change, but sources confirm that practice would likely start within the next two weeks.

The season would include 8 games, with the 2 top teams in each division playing one another for the Big Ten Championship.

University presidents and chancellors have been meeting at the Big Ten headquarters in suburban Chicago and there was speculation that the 2020 football season would be restarted.

There were social media posts that claimed a decision would be made tonight, leading to speculation that the season would be reinstated.

On August 11 the Big Ten presidents and chancellors postponed all fall sports, including football, by an 11-3 margin.

The Pac 12 followed suit but none of the other major football conferences postponed their seasons.

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