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Joe Biden honored his late son Beau as he prepared to accept the Democratic nomination for president Thursday.

A video tribute that aired at the Democratic National Convention recalled Beau Biden through his life as a major in the Army National Guard and as Delaware’s attorney general.

Beau died in 2015 of brain cancer. Biden often speaks of his son on the campaign trail as one of his heroes, and in the video he was described as an “inspiration” to his father even now.

The video featured President Barack Obama delivering Beau Biden’s eulogy, saying that “some folks may never know that their lives are better because of Beau Biden, but that’s OK.”

The video’s voiceover declared of Beau that “you never had to ask if he’d do something the right way — he didn’t know any other way.”

The video closed with Beau’s own words from his 2008 convention speech. He told the audience that he wouldn’t be able to be with his father during the fall campaign and asked them to “be there for my dad like he was for me.”