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INDIANTOWN, Fla. (WJW) — A Florida man is accused of shooting his ex-girlfriend to death in front of six children, including her 10-year-old daughter, who was learning online with her class at the time of the murder Tuesday.

Donald J. Williams, 27, is accused of shooting and killed Maribel Rosado-Morales, 32, at a home in Indiantown at around 8 a.m. Tuesday, according to the Martin County Sheriff’s Office.

Martin County Sheriff William Snyder said it all started with some type of argument, in which Williams confronted Morales about “something to do with a video,” WTVX reports.

“He says she actually started to smile at him and he became enraged and shot her,” Snyder said.

Morales was shot repeatedly in front of her four children, who are between the ages of 10 and 17, and two cousins, Snyder said.

“The teacher’s statement is that she heard a commotion, knew it was some kind of confrontation, muted it and then watched the 10-year-old put her hands up to her ears,” Snyder said.

One of the bullets actually struck the computer, and the screen went blank.

Williams fled the scene, but he was caught and arrested. He gave a full confession, Snyder said.

Morales was taken to the hospital but doctors were unable to save her life.