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ALTOONA, Pa. (WTAJ) — If you live in Altoona, Pennsylvania, and are missing some shoes, we might have an answer for you.

A six-pound, furry and sneaky “cat” burglar has been scouring his neighborhood every night for his greatest treasure: shoes.

Jordan, the cat, travels up to seven miles nightly on his journey to collect the shoes you may have forgotten outside to bring them home to his human, BJ Ross. Ross says the collection of shoes has grown to over 50, and funnier yet, Jordan routinely brings back the completed pair. If one night he only gets one shoe, the next he brings back the match.

Ross created a Facebook group that has now eclipsed 2,000 members in about a week. People from across the country follow along with Jordan’s journey and collection of shoes. To keep track of Jordan’s nightly exploits, Ross put a GPS tracker on his collar and installed a camera in her backyard. The footage has caught Jordan dragging shoes into the yard and even scaling the fence.

Ross finds joy in the entertainment people are getting out of Jordan and the bright spot on the internet the page has become.

Wonder what happens with the shoes? BJ has continued to collect them and post pictures in the Facebook group. If a neighbor sees that their missing sneaks have been taken by this feline felon, they can message BJ to get them back.