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HAGERSTOWN, Md. (WDVM) — Spreading love and cheer is something most grandmas want to do for their own grandchildren, but this one in particular wants to do it for all babies.

Edna, 94, who goes by “Nanny,” has been crocheting baby blankets and hats for newborns in the Hagerstown, Maryland area for years.

Edna says her gifts are not just for the baby but also a congratulations for the parents, so she makes them to the best of her ability.

“You have to enjoy doing these things in order to do a good job, like the little hats, I make them like how I would want them made for my babies, if I were having babies,” said Nanny.

People are typically grateful for Nanny’s gifts, but one couple in particular is extremely grateful for what she gave them.

Laura Gross and her husband were expecting a baby girl, when suddenly the couple endured a stillborn birth.

Although it was a painful experience, Gross says she feels connected to her daughter because of the hat and blanket, that Nanny made.

She said stillborn births are not something to be ashamed of. Gross still holds her daughter in her heart and wants to encourage all mothers who lost a child to celebrate their children every day.

However, nothing compares to the blanket and hat Nanny made her child. She says once she holds the items in her hand, she feels an instant connection to her baby girl.

“The sweet blanket, and the hat, they are things that Margot touched, and we held her with, and I don’t physically have her here and nothing can replace that, but those things from that hospital room, are precious to me,” said Gross.

These personalized items go such a long way and Nanny hopes to continue creating wonderful moments for babies and their loved ones.