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NEW ORLEANS, La. (WGNO)- A protest broke out Friday in New Orleans in the name of George Floyd.

More than a hundred people stood on the corner of Esplanade and Claiborne chanting, “Black Lives Matter” and “Say his name.” The protesters held signs and threw their fists in the air so that drivers passing by could clearly understand what they were doing.

This all started based on the Black Lives Matter movement and the most recent death of George Floyd.

Now, locals are making their opinion on the matter known.

The George Floyd protests in Minneapolis are sending waves of outrage across the country, to even here in New Orleans.

“It makes me feel kind of sad because somebody’s life got taken but, I just want people to (use) common sense and the right thing (to be) done,” said Bo Williams, local.

“We came out here yesterday. It started with three of us and we just believed that too many injustices are happening with the police department and it’s not just a black/white matter, it’s an all people matter. So many injustices are going on in the world and if people don’t come out here and just support and show love then, no body is ever going to get punished,” said Shan Grimm, protester.

Grimm was the only protester willing to talk. As the day went on, the peaceful protest escalated and in light of what is happening, Chief Shaun Ferguson is sharing his thoughts on the situation.

“As a father of three young black men, this is even more alarming because I know the concerns that we hear from my community about social injustice and things of that nature,” said Chief Ferguson. 

He finished by saying he is disappointed but, hopeful for more peaceful situation in the future.