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NEW ORLEANS– In order for salons to reopen, they must follow strict guidelines. WGNO’s Kenny Lopez headed to “Bleu Blow Dry Bar” in Old Metairie to check on operations now that they reopened.

As you walk into “Bleu Blow Dry Bar” you’ll be greeted by a smiling face, a smile which is hidden under a mask. You’ll also notice there’s hand sanitizer everywhere and even the check-in process is more thorough.

“We have sign in waivers, temperature checks, and we provide a poncho for our clients,” Emily LaBorde, Owner of “Bleu Blow Dry Bar” said.

All the stations are sanitized before and after each client, and all the shampoo bowls are cleaned thoroughly.

“We have all the things to keep all the germs away,” she said.

Salons must follow rules and regulations set by The Board of Cosmetology.

“We had to find our 25 percent capacity, which allows 10 people at a time, so we have five stylists per five clients,” she said.

Even though their occupancy must be smaller, she’s just happy to be back in business.

“It is literally like seeing a long lost friend and we are so excited. Today is our first day back and I was like a kid on Christmas Eve night. Everyone’s craving a sense of normalcy. Just know we are here and we are ready to adhere to all the rules and regulations and we’re here to bring a little normalcy to your life,” LaBorde said.